Saturday, January 5, 2008

Back on the diet

Over 9 months last year, Dr Atkins caused me to lose around 28 lbs and four inches off my waist.

In Denver, a major switch of diet to Drs Krispy Kreme, Mountain Dew, Quizno and Heidi's Brooklyn Kitchen didn't seem to make much difference - until last week when the accumulated carbs decided overnight to transform into FAT. Why the delay, I wonder? Why doesn't it creep up, ounce by ounce and millimeter by millimeter?

Anyway, I'm back to my romance with Dr Atkins. Evil breath, constipation, but I know from experience that those symptoms pass and the weight and inches drop off, to the point where I can sneer at the rapidly obesifying Singaporeans. Mind you, the sight of me without clothes is pretty ghastly. The wrinkles are like a rhinoceros' ass. Don't care - nobody gets to see ME nekkid!

TV Show of the decade - SpongeBob. Favorite character - Patrick.

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